29 May 2019, 21:00

Ladyzhyn and Khmilnyk are two small cities in Vinnytsia oblast. They
were not included in the Transparency Ranking of 100 Ukrainian Cities but they
merit an honorable mention on their transparency.

Ukraine is currently undergoing the decentralization, more power is
transmitted to the local authorities and their budgets become more independent.
Therefore the Transparent Cities team is working on developing the mechanism
of the public control over authorities and is providing the recommendations for
the local authorities to enhance their accountability. Consequently, TI Ukraine
decided to add the cities to the rating and assist in measuring their transparency.

To date, Ladyzhyn scored 22,55 points out of 100 and became the 3rd
city to join the original 100 cities of the Rating.

The city scored highest in Land Management and Construction policy -
4 points. Budgetary policy, Education and Procurements were also relatively
transparent with 3.7, 3.5 and 3.5 points respectively. Other areas scored
relatively low. Zero points were awarded to the three areas under the direct
responsibility of the local authorities, such as Public Utility Services, Social
Services, and HR-related matters. It indicates that the local community receives
no information about the aforementioned areas and the local authorities lack
transparency and accountability.

The fact that Ladyzhyn provides an opportunity to register for school
online, the city council utilizes the e-auction system to dispose of the property
can be viewed as the positive developments observed there.

Khmilnyk scored slightly higher gaining 35,75 points out of 100.

Budgetary Process, Access, and Participation scored the highest with 6.5
and 6.1 points respectively. Grants and Funding were also relatively transparent
scoring 5 points, Land Management and Construction Policy got 5.2 points.
Other areas scored relatively low. Zero points were awarded to the two areas
under governmental control: Housing Policy and Social Services. These areas
are among those scoring the lowest on transparency across Ukraine. It indicates
that the local community receives no information about the aforementioned
areas and the local authorities lack transparency and accountability.

The fact that Khmilnyk governmental page provides visual data on the
local budget and public finances, as well as zoning plans and the participatory
budget, can be viewed as the positive developments observed there.

It should be noted that the Research Methodology can be found on our
website and all the results of 100 Ukrainian Cities Rating are available in the
interactive iconography format and can be downloaded following the link.

Transparency International Ukraine is working on increasing
transparency across Ukraine, it actively motivates the local communities to
demand accountability from the authorities, and encourages the local
governments to enhance transparency. Openness and transparency are essential
for curbing corruption.

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