16 July 2020, 21:00
Why cities are losing their positions in the Transparency Rating

Why are cities losing their positions in the City Transparency Rating?

We tried to understand and identify the main reasons for the negative dynamics. So, what mistakes should the city avoid in order not to become one of the outsiders of our #Ratingprozorostymist2020 — we will tell you further.

  1. To stop half way.
    Have you launched a new electronic service or created a section on the website with meeting minutes? Continue to fill and develop them. Make sure that the information is regularly updated and of high quality.
  2. To be passive.
    As long as you ignore the issue of transparency of the City Council or slowly implement indicators — you have every chance to become an outsider of the next Rating. To go up, an average of 21 points had to be added in 2018. This is about 19 implemented recommendations to increase transparency.
  3. Do not study the experience of others.
    Focus not only on your results, but also on the results of other cities. Borrow ready-made solutions, exchange experience, and discuss possible cooperation. Cities are rapidly developing. Keep in mind that in 2017, 59.7 points were enough for leadership, but now this indicator will only allow you to take the 20th place.

Especially for city councils, we have collected the best practices of transparency in one collection. This way it will be even easier to implement changes //bit.ly/2WNlIKZ.

And very soon we will publish the results of the interim transparency study in 2020. It will show how actively cities implement our recommendations, and who can compete with the leaders of last year in the transparency rating 2020.

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